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Planting & Establishing Guides

Perennial seeds are generally slower to germinate and exhibit less seedling vigor than much of the domesticated crop seed of which we are more familiar.

Specializing in water and labor thrifty lawns that are good for you - good for the environment.

Dairyland hybrid alfalfas have unparalleled plant population uniformity, drought tolerance, water use efficiency, tonnage, and forage quality.

M.B. Sharp started to produce and sell forage sorghum seed to nearby livestock producers in 1908...

Graze/Hay between cash grain crops. Soil improvements, weed, insect, nematode suppression.

Our Grain Sorghum and Hybrid Corn lines have been thoughfully selected to meet the requirements of Great Plains producers.

Cultivating a habitat that fosters a well-rounded diet and hardy shelter for your wildlife for years to come may sound daunting, but we have taken some of the guess-work out of the equation.

Reports of over 20 ton per acre silage on irrigated fields in SW Kansas during the 2015 harvest. Tall dense growth combined to produce outstanding forage yields.

Sharp Bros. Seed offers custom blends to fit your jobsite specifications and to help you get the soil tied down before Mother Nature Moves it elsewhere.

The most effective way to restore bee and butterfly habitats by planting wildflowers is to plant forbs and legumes native to our area.