Canex BMR 600
Medium late maturity, sterile BMR forage sorghum with excellent drought tolerance coupled with high yield potential under favorable conditions. 80-90 days to 50% bloom, hard dough grain development 115 to 105 days after emergence. Gene 12/18 BMR position. 8-9 feet tall at maturity. Highly palatable hay or silage. Juicy, sweet stems with semi-compact heads, good tillering. Use Canex BMR 600 with Pollinator for grain production and LDP eligibility. Height: 8-9 feet Bale Spear Palatable Excellent Standability Juicy Stems Semi-Compact Heads Good Tillering
Uses, Strategies and Suggested Planting Rates:
Baled Dry Hay or Haylage:
Production goals should target fine stems for quick dry down in the windrow and tight, weather resistant bales or easily packed haylage. High plant populations produce the finest stems, low plant populations have the best drought tolerance. Producers should find the best compromise between these competing goals for their cropping conditions. Narrow rows (grain drills) are preferable to wide rows (row crop planters).
Western Dryland 12-20 lbs/acre Eastern Dryland/ Irrigated 18-28 lbs/acre
Standing Hay Grazed After Frost and Fall Drydown:
Production goals should target somewhat coarser stems than would be desirable for baled hay in order to produce a crop that is likely to stand past frost.
Western Dryland 6-10 lbs/acre Eastern Dryland/ Irrigated 8-12 lbs/acre
Cover Crop Preceding Perennial Grass Seedings:
Coarse stems are important to formation of durable cover since stems generally stay in place through the following winter and spring as compared to leaves which frequently blow away.
Western Dryland 6-10 lbs/acre Eastern Dryland/ Irrigated 8-12 lbs/acre
Mature Plant Silage:
Production goals are similar to grain sorghum production goals --- abundant grain production and sturdy stalks that stand through late stages of plant maturity. This is best achieved with a plant population 25% higher than that of grain sorghum population in the same cropping conditions. Either wide row (row crop planter) or narrow row (grain drill) equipment can be effective for these plantings, although narrow row plantings are commonly seeded up to 30% higher populations than are wide row plantings.
Western Dryland 1.5-4 lbs/acre Eastern Dryland/ Irrigated 4-10 lbs/acre