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Buffalograss is a soft textured, fine leafed sod forming warm season grass which has endured for thousands of years in the harsh climate of the American Great Plains. Buffalograss provides a beautiful turf with unique combination of low maintenance requirements and tolerance to extremes of heat, cold and drought.
Sundancer Buffalograss has outstanding turf density and leaf color. Sundancer maintains superior turf quality in partially shaded areas as compared to other buffalograss varieties. Widely adapted
- Less Work & More Free Time
- Less Water
- Less Fertilizer
- Less Mowing
- Resist Stress From Extreme Temperatures
SEEDBED PREP & SEED PLACEMENT: Control weeds prior to planting. This reduces the weed seed population and allows soil moisture to accumulate. The longer the period of weed control, the greater the benefit to buffalograss establishment.
Do not be overly concerned with following an exact procedure to plant buffalograss. The goal is to place the seed no deeper than 1/4 to 1/2 an inch into a firm seedbed. Your footprints should not sink in deeper than 1/4 inch when the seeding is completed. This result can be achieved using a variety of methods Following are a few suggestions:
Large Areas: Use native grass drill that is outfitted with depth control bands.
Small Areas: Loosen the soil surface prior to planting. Remember that seed is to be placed no more than 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep. There is no need to loosen the soil surface deeper than 1 inch in most cases. Broadcast the seed by hand or with an easy flow fertilizer spreader. Stir the see into the soil with a rake or light implement. Firm the seedbed with a roller or cultipacker. Small areas can firms with foot traffic.
PLANTING TIME: Ideal planting time is determined by availability of irrigation. Where irrigation is not possible the best seeding dates are April through May, allowing the seed to be soaked by spring rains. Germination will occur as the soil warms, frequently after mid May in the central plains. Non-irrigated plantings can be successful later into the summer by usually do not have germination conditions as good as spring plantings.
Where irrigation is available, the ideal planting date is late May through early June. After planting keep the 'seed zone' 1/4 inch below the soil surface moist. The surface can be allowed to dry between waterings. PRE-SOAKING the seed prior to planting can shorten seed germination time - for more information (CLICK HERE). Planting after August 15, is not advisable.
SEEDING RATE: Use 3 pounds per 1,000 square feet where turf establishment is desired the first year. 1 pound per 1,000 square feet will generally produce a good turf in two seasons. Lower seeding rates are often used on large plantings where longer periods of establishment can be tolerated.
MANAGEMENT: Weed control the first year of establishment can be achieved by mowing. The seedlings are too tender the first year to handle chemicals. Many weed species are tall and will shade over buffalograss. Set the mower to remove as much weed growth and as little buffalograss as possible, 1 to 3 inch mowing heights frequently work well during the establishment period. Don't allow weeds to get taller than 6 inches if possible. Once the buffalograss turf is established the mower should be set at 2-3 inches. Lower mowing heights encourage weed growth and reduce drought tolerance. Buffalograss usually requires much less mowing than other lawn grasses.