Please call 620-398-2231 for pricing & availability.
Sold by the 50 pound bag, 2500 pound tote, or bulk
pallet discount
TAM 114 is a hard red winter wheat variety developed by Texas A & M University and licensed to AGSECO in 2014. TAM 114 has much better leaf disease resistance than either TAM 111 or TAM 112 and is also rated excellent for baking and milling quality. It offers very good levels of protection from leaf rust, stem rust, and stripe rust and good straw strength and very good test weight. TAM 114 is also one of the most drought tolerant varieties available and offers very good winterhardiness. TAM 114 has an intermediate resistance to Hessian fly (75% resistant plants) and good acid soil tolerance. It also has excellent grazing and grain yield potential.
Acid soil tolerance: Tolerant
Coleoptile length: Medium
Drought tolerance: Very Good
Early spring greenup: Intermediate
Fall ground cover capability: Very Good
Grazing potential in fall: Excellent
Height: Medium
Maturity (heading date): Medium
Protein: Higher than Most
Quality-Baking: Excellent
Quality-Milling: Very good
Seed size: Average
Shattering reputation: Very good
Straw strength: Good
Test weight: Very good
Tillering: High
Winterhardiness: Very good
Overall yield record where adapted: Excellent
Disease & Insects
Barley yellow dwarf: Intermediate
Hessian fly: Susceptible
Leaf rust: Moderately Resistant
Stem rust: Moderately Susceptible
Stripe rust: Resistant
Powdery mildew: Moderately Resistant
Scab: Susceptible
Septoria leaf blotch: Moderately Resistant
Soilborne mosaic: Moderately Resistant
Tan spot: N/A
Wheat streak mosaic: Moderately susceptible