Sold by the PLS pound
Botanical Name: Buchloe dactyloides
Cultivars: Sharp's Improved, Texoka
Height: 12-18 Inches
Spread: 6-12 Inches
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-7
Buffalo grass is a warm season grass and Buffalograss has superior abilities to stay green it was an important forage used by buffalo during drought. In the later stages of a prolonged when giant herds roamed the west. Modern drought, when soil moisture is totally depleted, ranches utilize buffalograss rangeland buffalograss will lose its green color and turn to efficiently produce beef for today’s dormant as will any turf grass. When drought has consumer. Early settlers on the Great ended and soil moisture is replenished, buffalograss Plains were blessed with a buffalograss initiates new green growth.
Growing & Maintenance Tips
As with all native grasses, proper ground preparation is one of the most important considerations. The seedbed should be firm but not solid; cultivation to kill the roots of cool-season grasses is essential. Planting may be done by either drilling or broadcasting, with the seed being covered with no more than ¼ to ½ inches deep at a rate of 1 to 3 pounds PLS/acre. Seeding in late spring is recommended in the Great Plains, somewhat earlier further south. In the Southeast, seeding should be done during the period from June 15 to July 15. Mulching and irrigation is recommended on harsh sites. Soil tests should be made to test the soils for deficiencies Blue Grama will tolerate soils that are low in nutrients better than acidic conditions. Planting should be done by a native grass seed drill. In western areas plant Blue Grama in a sorghum cover crop (in stubble or in with the crop itself).
Once the grass is established, it is very palatable to the livestock all year long. Since growing points are at or near the ground surface, the grass withstands fairly close grazing. For best yields, defer grazing every 2 to 3 years during the growing season. It cures well on stem, making it a good grass for grazing during the dormant season. Renovation of sodbound stands is also recommended. Weeds can be controlled by use of herbicides, mowing or controlled grazing. Seed yields can reach 150 to 200 pounds per acre under irrigation and cultivation.