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Establishing Perennial Species Brochure

Grass Mixes

Show 15 products per page

  • Badger Dirt Mix

    Badger Dirt Mix


    Select Quantity (Number of Acres) You're PlantingSold by 10 PLS pounds per acre  Badger Dirt a low growing grass mix adapted to revegetation of sites with exposed soil, high ph, and high calcium subsoils.  Growth will rarely exceed...

  • Medium Grass Mix - Hardland Soil

    Medium Grass Mix - Hardland Soil


    Select Quantity (Number of Acres) You're PlantingSold by 4.5 PLS pounds per acre Medium Grass Mix Hardland Soil: A mixture of native warm season grasses that range in height from 4”-36” and have an array of interesting seed heads produced...

  • Medium Grass Mix - Sandy Soil

    Medium Grass Mix - Sandy Soil


    Select Quantity (Number of Acres) You're PlantingSold by 4.5 PLS pounds per acre Medium Grass Mix Sandy Soil: A mixture of native warm season grasses that range in height from 4”-36” and have an array of interesting seed heads produced...

  • PM6 - Irrigated Pasture Mix PM6 - Irrigated Pasture Mix

    PM6 - Irrigated Pasture Mix


    Select Quantity (Number of Acres) You're PlantingSold by 25 Bulk pounds PM6 is the most popular cool season grazing mix on the central Plains. Presently used on thousands of acres, some stands being decades-old. This blend's broad-based site...

  • Sharp Bros. Seed Co.'s PM7- Horse Candy Mix has been specially created to produce a hardy forage. Typically irrigated in Western Kansas.

    PM7 - Horse Candy


      Select Quantity (Number of Acres) You're PlantingSold by 25 Bulk pounds Producers have found this hardy mix to be more productive than single species plantings. Best adapted to well-drained dryland soils east of Interstate 35. Highly digestible,...

  • PM8 - High Plains Pasture Mix

    PM8 - High Plains Pasture Mix


    Select Quantity (Number of Acres) You're PlantingSold by 25 Bulk pounds PM8 has proven its hardiness by surviving the prolonged droughts typical of the High Plains. Best adapted to dryland loam or finer texture well-drained soils west of Interstate 35...

  • Premium Cover Mix - Sandy Soil

    Premium Cover Mix - Sandy Soil


    Select Quantity (Number of Acres) You're PlantingSold by 5.0 PLS pounds per acre Premium Cover Sandy Soil Mix a mix of grasses designed to stabilize sandy soils and stop wind and water erosion.  This mix contains species that are well...

  • Short Grass Mix - Sandy or Hardland Soils

    Short Grass Mix - Sandy or Hardland Soils


    Select Quantity (Number of Acres) You're PlantingSold by 4.5 PLS pounds per acre  Short Grass Sandy or Hardland Mix this mix of native warm season grasses is indicative of the short grass prairie of the western Great Plains.  The...

  • Stampede Paddock Mix

    Stampede Paddock Mix


    This mix is well-suited for survival where busy stockman can provide only minimal management. It forms a durable grass cover to exclude mud, dust and weeds from paddocks with high stocking rates. Excellent drought tolerance and salinity tolerance. Most...

  • Tall Grass Mix - Hardland Soil

    Tall Grass Mix - Hardland Soil


    Select Quantity (Number of Acres) You're PlantingSold by 5 PLS pounds per acre  Tall Grass Mix Hardland Soil: A diverse mix of native warm season grasses that resembles the tall grass prairie of the Great Plains. This mix ranges in height from...

  • Tall Grass Mix - Sandy Soil

    Tall Grass Mix - Sandy Soil


    Select Quantity (Number of Acres) You're PlantingSold by 5 PLS pounds per acre  Tall Grass Mix - Sandy Soil: A diverse mix of native warm season grasses that resembles the tall grass prairie of the Great Plains. This mix ranges in height from...

  • Tall Pasture Hay Mix

    Tall Pasture Hay Mix


    Select Quantity (Number of Acres) You're PlantingSold by 6 PLS pounds per acre  Tall Pasture-Hay Mix: This warm season grass mix maximizes potential tonnage and grazing capacity by using taller grass species that are palatable to livestock. This...

  • Tall-Medium Shoreline Mix

    Tall-Medium Shoreline Mix


    Select Quantity (Number of Acres) You're PlantingSold by 11 PLS pounds per acre  Tall-Medium Shoreline Mix: This warm and cool season mix of grasses is designed for intermittently wet areas that are prone to short duration flooding. Ideally suited...