Why Choose Floury Grain?
50% More Starch
Results show physically softer corn has a greater starch digestion. Floury grain allows more starch to breakdown in the rumen, giving the animal a greater feed efficiency.
22 Plots, 1 result = Increased Yields
The nutritional benefits don't mean much without the strong yields and quality agronomics. 22 replicated plots across the country, Masters Choice hybrids showed a significant advantage in both grain and silage yield.
Passage Rates
Studies show that soft, floury grain drastically reduces the amount of undigested material being passed out of the rumen, allowing for more nutrient absorption.
Slump Buster
Masters Choice floury hybrids reached 75% starch availability after only 28 days from harvest. Beat the "fall slump".
Let us know you're coming
9 a.m. - 11 p.m.
August 14, 2018
East of S. County Rd 18 on East Plymell Rd.
Garden City, Kansas
Experts say
"Over the past decade, Masters Choice has done extensive product testing. This gives us the confidence to place hybrids based on knowledge of what we've seed in specific environments and conditions."