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Cool Season Turf

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  • All Blue Kentucky Bluegrass All Blue Kentucky Bluegrass

    All Blue Kentucky Bluegrass


    Kentucky Bluegrass is a cool-season grass that grows best during the fall, winter, and spring months when temperatures are cool. Its growth slows during the warm summer months. Kentucky Bluegrass prefers full sun, but will tolerate some shade. This...

  • Emerald III Turf-Type Tall Fescue Emerald III Turf-Type Tall Fescue

    Emerald III Turf-Type Tall Fescue


    Emerald III is a mix of 3 varieties of premium fine leaved tall fescue varieties. The combination of modern genetic fescue varieties produces finer leaves than older varieties of tall fescue such as KY-31. Tall fescue, the most heat tolerant of the...

  • Supreme Lawn (Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Rye)

    Supreme Lawn (Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Rye)


    Supreme Lawn is a mix of perennial ryegrass with Kentucky bluegrass, combining the quick establishment and dense turf characteristics of ryegrass with the spreading, turf mending qualities of bluegrass. Very Dense, Fine Dark Green Leaves Spreading,...

  • Tall Fescue - KY-31 Tall Fescue - KY-31

    Tall Fescue - KY-31


    Sold by the 25 pound bag KY-31 Tall Fescue was released as a variety in 1943 which was propagated from a field selection made in 1931. Primarily used as a pasture grass, it was valued for its hardiness and has also been widely used as a utilitarian turf...

  • Turf-Type Perennial Rye

    Turf-Type Perennial Rye


    This perennial ryegrasshas outstanding turf quality, fast establishment and a prolonged seasonal stay green period make perennial ryegrass a top choice for premium lawns. This blend produces a plush, dense carpet of soft, fine leafed turf. Perennial...

  • Windbreak Blend

    Windbreak Blend

    Windbreak Blend Mix of creeping red fescue and hard fescue. Naturally low growing with excellent drought tolerance. This mix is suited for full sun or heavy shade and is an excellent choice for non irrigated* sites such as tree windbreaks around rural...