VERSATILE COOL SEASON ANNUALS and effective cover crops when planted in late summer/early fall or late winter/early spring and able to germinate efficiently over a broad range of seed bed temperatures. Brassicas are highly palatable to grazing animals, have aggressive growth, and suppress weeds. In addition radishes, a popular brassica, can have a “pre-emergent herbicide” effect on some weed species due to allopathy.
Brassicas move nitrogen and other nutrients scavenged from the subsoil to the upper portions of the plant. This “nutrient recycling” benefit starts to accrue early, within a few weeks of planting. Winter killed plants decay rapidly and deposit absorbed nutrients near the soil surface. Increased biological activity and enhanced fertility levels at the soil surface contribute to vigorous growth by cash crop seedlings and may accelerate the decomposition of crop residue.
Tillage, compaction reduction and infiltration improvement are best achieved with early seeded brassicas that are given adequate time to develop large roots. Brassicas are sensitive to residual levels of some herbicides, particularly triazines and ALS inhibitors. Radishes have been proven to reduce nematode populations and as a class are considered among the most effective biological tillage plants. The addition of 1 to 2 pounds of radish seed per acre to cash crop winter wheat plantings is gaining in popularity as producers observe increased wheat yields due to this practice. Decomposing radishes smell like rotten eggs, an aroma that is noticeable in the vicinity of the field where they were grown. Most varieties of radish used for cover crop originated from oil seed radish genetics and have been bred to favor either tillage or forage production.
Turnips excel as forage providers since top growth and tubers are palatable and efficiently utilized by grazing animals.
Corinne Ethiopian Cabbage (Coated)
Acre Rate 3-4 pounds
Corinne originates from Africa and is a unique, multipurpose brassica cultivar. It was bred for use in biofumigation systems but has proven valuable in many cover crop scenarios. It germinates...
Daikon Tillage Type Radish
The original biological tillage crop, Daikons produce moderate length taproots of large circumference. Moderate length taproots of large circumference are optimum for opening the soil surface for increased infiltration.
Graza Grazing Radish is bred for maximum grazing production, Fast growing, drought tolerant grazing radish designed to withstand multiple grazing cycles. Exceptional palatability and persistence into the heat of the summer without flowering. Leaves...
Hybrid of Turnip & Rape
Bred for fast establishment, with utilization possible in 45-55 days. Similar to a non-bulb producing turnip, only much leafier with vigorous regrowth and fast recovery from grazing. Has the ability to yield well into the...
Purple Top Turnip
Grazing animals will utilize forage above ground as well as the roots. 1.5 to 3 pounds of turnip seed per acre, when added to plantings of winter annual cereal grains, can improve forage production. Turnips may extend the fall...
Rape = Hybrid of Turnip & Kail
The most versatile brassica, suitable for a wide range of soil fertility and environmental conditions. Early maturing, extremely drought tolerant and suitable for grazing 45-60 days after seeding. Excellent frost...