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Over the last several years, the use of fast-growing crops planted between cash crops have grown in popularity in our region. Cover crops can be planted as a single species or mix of species depending on the producers goals. Planted to build soil structure and organic matter, prevent soil erosion and improve nutrient availability.

We are learning more and more every day, we have developed standard cover crop mixes based on the most common planting purposes and timing, however we welcome your CUSTOM SEED BLEND orders. 

Specialty Cover Crop Mixes to meet your needs

Combinations of Brassicas, Legumes and Grasses have been developed to meet the needs of our customers. With options for Grazing, Haying, Cover and variations of the three, our staff can help answer any specific questions and match you and your soil with the cover crop that will help you reach your goals for your land. 

Now Available via the Midwest Cover Crop Council

The Cover Crop Decision Tools are an initiative by the MCCC to consolidate cover crop information by state to help farmers make cover crop selections at the county level. Information for each state/province is developed by a team of cover crop experts including university researchers, Extension educators, NRCS personnel, agriculture department personnel, crop advisors, seed suppliers and farmers. The team reviewed and refined information from the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE)  publication Managing Cover Crops Profitably, 3rd edition to refine application within their state/province. The information and ratings contained in the Cover Crop Decision Tool is the team consensus based on literature, research results, on-farm experience and practical knowledge.

  MCCC Selector Tools  


Cover Crops

Show 15 products per page

  • Annual Ryegrass Annual Ryegrass

    Annual Ryegrass


    Annual Ryegrass, Lolium multifolium, is a high-quality, cool-season, winter annual bunchgrass that is closely related to Perennial Ryegrass. Through plant breeding advances, many improvements have been made in winter-hardiness and have made the...

  • Austrian Winter Peas

    Austrian Winter Peas

    Winter annual legume that grows rapidly in cool, moist weather.  Austrian Winter Peas generally survive the winter south of the Kansas/ Oklahoma border with less dependable winter hardiness north of that point. Most often planted in the fall...

  • Brown Mustard, Pacific Gold (Coated) Brown Mustard, Pacific Gold (Coated)

    Brown Mustard, Pacific Gold (Coated)

    Pacific Gold Brown Mustard - Coated Acre Rate 3-4 pounds Active Growth Period: Fall, Winter, SpringFlower Color: YellowGrowth Rate: RapidAdapted to soil texturesDrought Tolerance: LowMoisture Use: MediumSalinity Tolerance: NoneShade Tolerance:...

  • Common Alfalfa

    Common Alfalfa


    Sold by the Bulk Pound Medicago sativa L., alfalfa, is a long-lived perennial 1egume. Flowers vary in color from purple to yellow and are borne in loose clusters. Pods of alfalfa range from the sickle type to those that are twisted into spirals. Each...

  • Corinne Ethiopian Cabbage (Coated)

    Corinne Ethiopian Cabbage (Coated)

    Corinne Ethiopian Cabbage (Coated) Acre Rate 3-4 pounds Corinne originates from Africa and is a unique, multipurpose brassica cultivar. It was bred for use in biofumigation systems but has proven valuable in many cover crop scenarios. It germinates...

  • Cowpeas


    Cowpea is a summer annual legume requires 65 F or more to germinate. Tolerates drought, heat, and low fertility. Moderate shade tolerance makes it a good companion with sorghum forages. Use inoculant with Bradyrhizobium sp. (Vigna). Exceed for warm...

  • Crimson Clover

    Crimson Clover

    Usually planted as a winter annual legume, crimson clover is a good N scavenger and is capable of fixing 30-60 pounds of N. Prefers cool, moist soils and grows rapidly during cool weather. Can regrow after haying or grazing prior to early bud stage, if...

  • Daikon Tillage Type Radish Daikon Tillage Type Radish

    Daikon Tillage Type Radish

    Daikon Tillage Type Radish The original biological tillage crop, Daikons produce moderate length taproots of large circumference. Moderate length taproots of large circumference are optimum for opening the soil surface for increased infiltration. Acre...

  • Fall Cropper B Mix - Grazing

    Fall Cropper B Mix - Grazing

    Sharp Bros. standardized targeted cover crop mixes are designed based on the complimentary traits of the varieties below, and the season you're planting in.  Mix Includes:40lbs Barley3lbs Sorghum/Sudangrass20lbs Peas2lbs Radish1lb Turnip1lb...

  • Fall Cropper Oat Mix - Cover/Grazing

    Fall Cropper Oat Mix - Cover/Grazing

    Sharp Bros. standardized targeted cover crop mixes are designed based on the complimentary traits of the varieties below, and the season you're planting in.  Mix Includes:40lbs Oats3lbs Sorghum/Sudangrass15lbs Peas2lb Radish2lb Turnip Plant August...

  • Fall Cropper T Mix - Grazing

    Fall Cropper T Mix - Grazing

    Sharp Bros. standardized targeted cover crop mixes are designed based on the complimentarty traits of the varieties below, and the season you're planting in.  Mix Includes:40lbs Triticale3lbs Sorghum/Sudangrass20lbs Peas2lbs Radish1lb Turnip1lb...

  • Graza Grazing Radish Graza Grazing Radish

    Graza Grazing Radish

    Graza Grazing Radish is bred for maximum grazing production, Fast growing, drought tolerant grazing radish designed to withstand multiple grazing cycles. Exceptional palatability and persistence into the heat of the summer without flowering. Leaves...

  • Hairy Vetch

    Hairy Vetch

    Hairy Vetch legume can function as a fall seeded winter annual legume or as a spring seeded cool season annual legume. It is an excellent nitrogen fixer and good forage for haying or grazing. It has vining fine stems, up to 12” long. It will...

  • Hunter Forage Turnip Hunter Forage Turnip

    Hunter Forage Turnip

    Hybrid of Turnip & Rape Bred for fast establishment, with utilization possible in 45-55 days. Similar to a non-bulb producing turnip, only much leafier with vigorous regrowth and fast recovery from grazing. Has the ability to yield well into the...

  • Medium Red Cover

    Medium Red Cover

    Medium red clover is a short lived perennial legume that thrives wherever corn grows. Good shade tolerance and cool soil germination capability (41 F) make it an excellent companion to grains. It is an aggressive nitrogen fixer, helps suppress weeds and...