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Bonnie's Butterfly & Bee Wildflower Mix

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Bonnie's Butterfly & Bee Wildflower Mix

bonnie-s.jpgPollen & Nectar for Butterflies, Hummingbirds & Bees
This mix of annual and perennial flowers are designed for the flower beds. Plant in early to late spring for a lovely multi-season showing of yellow, orange, red, and purple flowers. Butterflies, Hummingbirds & Honey Bees will be attracted to the nectar and pollen. Includes Butterfly Milkweed, essential for the development of Monarch Butterfly larva.

  • Bloom Time April-October
  • Plant Seeds 1/16 inch deep in firm seed bed
  • Planting Rate: 5 lbs per acre without grass OR 1 lb per acre with grass

Mix Includes:
Butterfly Milkweed
Blackeyed Susan
Clasping Coneflower
Indian Blanket
Lanceleaf Coreopsis
Lemon Mint/Beebalm
Plains Coreopsis
Showy Partridge Pea
Upright Prairie Coneflower

Sharp Brothers offers a large number of individual varieties of wildflower seeds as well as regional mixes, speciality mixes and custom blends.