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Monarch Butterfly & Honey Bee Wildflower Mix

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Monarch Butterfly & Honey Bee Wildflower Mix

Pollen & Nectar for Bees & Butterflies
Includes Butterfly Milkweed, essential for the development of Monarch Butterfly larva. This mix provides prolific pollen and nectar for honey bees, wild bees, and butterflies; early spring through late fall. Control existing vegetation before planting to reduce competition for flower seedlings. Broadcast or plant with a grass drill, the goal being shallow seed placement into a firm seedbed.

Suggested planting rate:
1# per acre as a compliment to a prairie grass landscape
5# per acre in a setting without grass

Dormant seed in winter, or plant in early spring
Light mulch may be applied after planting to help maintain seed bed moisture

Mix Includes:
Indian Blanket
Lanceleaf Coreopsis
Purple Prairie Clover
White Prairie Clover
White Yarrow
Upright Prairie Coneflower
Butterfly Milkweed
Blackeyed Susan
Lemon Mint/Beebalm
Maximilian Sunflower
Stiff Goldenrod

Sharp Bros. Seed Co. offers a large number of individual varieties of wildflower seeds as well as regional mixes, specialty mixes and custom blends.