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Establishing Perennial Species Brochure


Native & Introduced Varieties

Show 15 products per page

  • Sand Bluestem Sand Bluestem

    Sand Bluestem

    Sold by the PLS pound Sand Bluestem, Andropogon hallii is a native, warm-season perennial tall grass. It forms a dense sod in the sandy soils in which it is normally found. Growth begins in April with maturity reached in October. It is fairly...

  • Sand Dropseed

    Sand Dropseed

    Sold by the PLS pound Sand dropseed is a long-lived perennial warm season bunchgrass, native throughout North America. Sand dropseed is extremely drought tolerant and is adapted to sites receiving 7 to 16 inches annual precipitation...

  • Sand Lovegrass

    Sand Lovegrass

    Sold by the PLS pound Sand Lovegrass, Eragrostis trichodes is a native, warm-season, short-lived, perennial, bunch grass found on sandy soil sites in the central and southern plains states. Grows principally on deep sands and sandy loam soils on...

  • Sideoats Grama Sideoats Grama

    Sideoats Grama

    Sold by the PLS pound Sideoats Grama is a native, warm-season, bunch forming or sod forming perennial grass. Distributed over much of the Midwest and Great Plains, it is an important grass of the prairie and plains states. It grows on well-drained...

  • Smooth Brome VNS Smooth Brome VNS

    Smooth Brome VNS

    Sold by the BULK pound Botanical Name: Bromus inermisCultivars: Lincoln, Manchar, VNS Smooth Brome, Bromus inermis is a major, cool-season, long-lived, perennial, sod-forming grass which reproduces from seed and spreads by creeping rhizomes...

  • Switchgrass Switchgrass


    Sold by the PLS pound  Botanical Name: Panicum virgatumCultivars: Alamo, Blackwell, Cave-in-Rock, Kanlow, Nebraska 28, Shelter, Trailblazer, NativeHeight: 36-48 inches  Switchgrass is a native, perennial, warm-season, sod-forming...

  • Tall Dropseed

    Tall Dropseed

    Sold by the PLS pound Botanical Name: Sporobolus asper (compositus)Height: 12-48 inches  Tall or Composite dropseed is a tall, native, perennial, warm season bunchgrass.  Uses Forage: Composite dropseed is a minor portion of the...

  • Tall Wheatgrass

    Tall Wheatgrass

    Sold by the PLS pound Botanical Name: Agropyron elongatumCultivars: Alkar, Jose, VNS Tall Wheatgrass (agropyron elongatum) is an introduced wheatgrass, brought into the United States from Turkey and the U.S.S.R. it is a tall, vigorous,...

  • Weeping Lovegrass

    Weeping Lovegrass

    Sold by the PLS pound  Botanical Name: Eragrostis curvula  Weeping lovegrass, is a rapidly growing warm-season bunchgrass that was introduced into the U. S. from East Africa. The many long, narrow leaves emerging from a tight tuft are...

  • Western Wheatgrass Western Wheatgrass

    Western Wheatgrass

    Sold by the PLS pound Botanical Name: Agropyron smithiiCultivars: Arriba, Barton, Rosanna, Native Western Wheatgrass is a native, cool-season, perennial, sod-forming grass. It reaches a height of 1 to 3 feet, and because of its bluish-colored...

  • Yellow Indiangrass Yellow Indiangrass

    Yellow Indiangrass

    Sold by the PLS pound   Botanical Name: Sorghastrum nutansCultivars: Cheyenne, Nebraska 54, Osage, Oto, Rumsey, Tomahawk, Warrior, Native   Indiangrass is a native, warm season grass of good value as a livestock forage grass...