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Wildflower Mix BrochureThe most effective way to restore bee and butterfly is habitats to plant wildflowers forbs and legumes native to our area.

Local wildflowers are already adapted to the climate, soil type and insect population, and the wildlife and insect population are adapted to them. Many insects and plants have pre-existing symbiotic relationships. Think Nemo and the anemone. Noxious introduced plants can over run native ones, disrupting existing ecosystems; much like drought tolerant/heat loving weeds taking over your lawn in the heat of summer after you neglect watering for several weeks. Don’t cause more harm, invest in saving their habitats! 

We have a large number of individual varieties of wildflower seed!



Show 15 products per page

  • Annual Blue Flax (Omega Flax)

    Annual Blue Flax (Omega Flax)

    Annual Blue Flax (Omega Flax) Linum usitatissimum annual North American native wildflower Bloom Time: May-JulyFull Sun

  • Big 10 Wildflower Mix Big 10 Wildflower Mix

    Big 10 Wildflower Mix


    Big 10 Wildflower blend of native wildflowers designed to provide blooms through the spring, summer and fall seasons. Add beauty to your “Wild Places” and provide food sources for wildlife and pollinators. Plant 1 pound per acre when added...

  • Black Sampson
Photo Credit: Clarence A. Rechenthin,  hosted by the USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database Black Sampson
Photo Credit: Clarence A. Rechenthin,  hosted by the USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database

    Black Sampson (Narrow Leaf Purple Coneflower)

    Sold by the PLS pound Sunflower family (Asteraceae). Purple coneflower is a perennial herb with a woody taproot. The plant has one to several rough-hairy stems, mostly unbranched. Leaves are alternate, simple, and narrowly lanceshaped. Flowers look like...

  • Blackeyed Susan Blackeyed Susan

    Blackeyed Susan

    Sold as PLS pounds Black-eyed Susan, is a biennial forb about 1 m tall with yellow ray flowers and dark brown spherical centers. After germination, the seedling grows into a rosette with oblong leaves. Sometimes flower stalks will appear in the first...

  • Blanketflower (perennial) Blanketflower seed

    Blanketflower (perennial)

    Sold by PLS pounds Blanketflower (Gaillardia aristata Pursh) is a native, perennial, tap-rooted wildflower with showy, yellow ray flowers and reddish-brown central disk flowers. The pubescent plants vary from 10 to 24 inches in height. Leaves are...

  • Bonnie's Butterfly & Bee Wildflower Mix Bonnie's Butterfly & Bee Wildflower Mix

    Bonnie's Butterfly & Bee Wildflower Mix


    Pollen & Nectar for Butterflies, Hummingbirds & BeesThis mix of annual and perennial flowers are designed for the flower beds. Plant in early to late spring for a lovely multi-season showing of yellow, orange, red, and purple flowers...

  • Butterfly Milkweed (Indian Paintbrush)

    Butterfly Milkweed (Indian Paintbrush)

    Sold by PLS pounds The species name, tuberosa, means full of swellings or knobs, referring to the enlarged root system." Butterfly milkweed stems are hairy, erect, and grow in numerous clumps. There is a watery sap within the stems and leaves. The...

  • Clasping Coneflower Clasping Coneflower seed

    Clasping Coneflower

    Sold by PLS pounds Clasping coneflower is an annual herb with elongated, bluish, waxy leaves that generally clasp around the stem at the base. The flower heads are similar to those of black-eyed susans, but they are smaller (mostly 1 to 2 inches in...

  • Cowgirl's Delight (Medium) Wildflower Mix

    Cowgirl's Delight (Medium) Wildflower Mix


    Sold by the PLS pound Cowgirl's Delight wildflower mix is a blend of native wildflowers designed to provide blooms through the seasons. Beautiful way to provide food sources for wildlife and pollinators.  Planting Rate:  With Grass: 1-2...

  • Englemann's Daisy
Clarence A. Rechenthin. Provided by USDA NRCS East Texas PMC (ETPMC) Englemann's Daisy
Clarence A. Rechenthin. Provided by USDA NRCS East Texas PMC (ETPMC)

    Engelmann Daisy

    Sold by PLS pounds Engelmann’s daisy is a native, cool-season perennial which can grow up to three feet tall. The plant produces a basal rosette of leaves that can grow eight inches long. Leaves are very deeply cleft or almost divided. Coarse hair...

  • Gray-head Prairie Coneflower
via Flickr commercial use by Adam B Gray-head Prairie Coneflower seed

    Gray-head Prairie Coneflower (Yellow Coneflower)

    Sold by PLS pounds Grayhead Coneflower (Ratibida pinnata) is a perennial summer-long bloomer with large yellow flowers that have drooping petals. Gray-head Coneflower flowers surround a brown seedhead that birds eat from if plants are left standing...

  • White Heath Aster
Credit: Frank Mayfield  via Flickr creative commons commercial use Heath Aster
Photo Credit: Clarence A. Rechenthin hosted by the USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database

    Heath Aster (White)

    White heath aster is a hardy perennial with an extensive root system of rhizomes and stolons. This bushy plant grows to be 0.5 to 1 m tall and can have a 30 cm spread. Leaves are narrow (1cm wide) and linear (7 cm long), resembling the leaves of heather...

  • Patrick J. Alexander, hosted by the USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database Illinois Bundleflower  (Prairie Mimosa)

    Illinois Bundleflower (Prairie Mimosa)

    This species is a member of the legume family (Fabaceae). It is a warm season, herbaceous, perennial leguminous forb. Multiple stems grow from a woody caudex which is in turn attached to the deep tap root system of this species. The erect stems are...